Everyone wins through exercise and mental exercise!

The integration of a new concept of disability and this dynamic of change was born out of a meeting in September 2022 between two doctors: Dr Marc ROZENBLAT (sports doctor) and Prof Antonio MARCELINO LEAL (occupational physician).

  • Around 12 million of France's 65 million people are affected by disability, which will cost the State over €56 billion in 2022.
  • In France, companies with 20 or more employees are required by law to employ at least 6% of people with disabilities, while in Portugal the rate is 4%.
  • In the event of non-compliance with the OETH (Obligation d'emploi de travailleur handicapé), companies are liable to pay an annual financial contribution to AGEFIPH (Association nationale de gestion du fonds pour l'insertion professionnelle des personnes handicapées) or similar organisations, depending on the country.

In 1998, 1 company in 2
preferred to pay penalties

rather than hiring people with disabilities.

Since then, the figures have not changed.

Everyone wins through exercise and mental exercise!

According to the WHO, almost one person in seven has major functional difficulties or suffers from a "severe" disability.

Towards a more inclusive world

"We need every country to adopt a national plan" for the disabled, says Dr Etienne KRUG, Director of the WHO's Violence, Trauma and Disability Prevention Department.

Worldwide, 1 billion people, or 15% of the world's population, have a disability.

The HANDICAPACITES SPORT and WORK Congress seeks to offset the inequalities generated by this status through interdisciplinary and social reflection on Health/Disability, Sport and Work.

Infinite possibilities

This dynamic, visionary vision will enable us to unveil new responses, skills and levers to move humanity forward towards a new paradigm to be developed and enhanced: "Disabilities!“.
