Marie josé Lallart

  • Knight of the Order of the Legion of Honour
  • Former international civil servant at UNESCO
  • President of the "Les Maillons de l'Espoir" association
  • Elected to the Fédération Française du Sport Adapté
  • General Secretary of the Confédération Internationale Francophone du Sport Adapté (CIFSAC)
  • Chorister with the UNESCO choir, and at St Léon church in the 15th arrondissement of Paris
  • Director of the literary collection at L'Harmattan and author of numerous books (most recently "La Voix de l'Ombre").
  • Director of the Décathlon Foundation and APELS

website :

Official trailer - THE SILENCE OF OTHERS

6.00 pm: Film

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"The silence of others
Documentary by : 


Download the brochure below

Disabled dance shows

Choreographers - dancers :
  • Nguyen Van Nhieu André

  • Fournaise Carole

Dancers :
  • John-William Hélène

  • Cuenet Marie-Odile

  • Han Mei

  • Kati Fasia

  • Deleuze France

  • Diallo Ibrahima

  • Boivin Thierry

  • Chemam Imed

  • Siecinski roulette wheel 

Musician :
  • Cardim Rui 

Art Directors :
  • Hélène John-William

  • Fasia Kati
